Thursday, 29 October 2009

The house sale.....

The Fezzaunt has inside information relating to the sale of our Val's cosy bungalow. It's on the market with a top secret celebrity Preston Estate Agents. You too could live like a Canarian Star..... get those bids in, eh?!


  1. Babs Barbara Windsor (friend of Nigel)29 October 2009 at 16:57

    I hear the lovely Val is intending to go on an all-inclusive trip to the canaries when the house sale goes through! Show us your wrist if you wanna get p****d! Oh Val, you little minx!

  2. Nigel.... this guy knows people. I only know the window cleaner!

  3. No, Babs.. that's just for the young and the sexy and all that.... nooooooo

    Val x

  4. I hope she's not moving because of me! I was going to relay all her carpets for free - esp the ones in the bathroom which still wreek of Dawn's vomit!
